Boost Your Business Potential

Boost Your Business Potential

Danny Pohnl has been in the banking industry supporting businesses for more than 10 years. Working as a commercial lender, he has heard the pain points of businesses and has advice for owners looking to grow.

Have an established support team.

Work with bankers, accountants, attorneys, and other experts who will support you and help your business succeed.

"Something I see a lot is business owners trying to do it all. I highly recommend engaging professionals you trust to help in the areas you are not an expert in, so you can focus on your business," said Pohnl, vice president - commercial relationship manager at Security Financial Bank (SFB). "It's okay not to know it all, so lean on your support network."

Communicate with your banker.

Set at least an annual meeting with your banker, Pohnl advises. It's important to keep up with what the banking industry is doing and have your banker learn how your business is doing. Make sure to be open and honest about the wins and losses you faced over the year.

"If your business is having trouble, your banker may have ideas that that can help. The communication lines need to be open for your banker to know how to help. I tell my customers all the time that we are a team, and we win and lose together. So, make sure you communicate effectively so we are pulling in the same direction," he said. 

Be careful of fraud.

Financial fraud is at an all-time high, including right here in the Chippewa Valley. Check with your banker about how to protect your most liquid asset - your cash. Most banks have tools and advice that will greatly reduce your risk of falling victim to fraudsters. 

Danny Pohnl is the vice president - commercial relationship manager at SFB. He has years of expertise in commercial and industrial lending as well as commercial real estate lending. Contact Pohnl at or 715-833-1697.